15 de Fevereiro | 17H00
Conferência em inglês sem tradução
Introdução e apresentação por Sebastião Formosinho, Departamento de Química da FCTUC
Entrada livre
No próximo dia 15 de Fevereiro, pelas 17H00, o Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra recebe Bernardette Bensaude-Vincent, Professora de História e Filosofia da Ciência na Universidade Paris-X.
Although chemistry is not the most attractive science for young students, today chemists are not content with making molecules and designing new drugs and materials. They are revitalizing the ambitions to answer the big questions about the origin of life and the universe. This presentation will survey various strategies for mimicking or synthesizing biological materials and biological processes. It aims at characterizing the distinct features of recent trends in the long tradition of chemistry challenging nature through the artificial creation of life.
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent is professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris X and, since 2000, Materials Research sector’s manager in the program “History of recent science and technology” of the Sloan Foundation and Dibner Funds (MIT, Cambridge, USA). She holds a PhD in Humanities with aggregation in philosophy. Her research subjects are History and Philosophy of Chemistry and of Chemistry’s Technologies, and Science dissemination.
She published around sixty articles in French and foreign specialized reviews, about positivism, chemistry’s history and science dissemination and around thirty contributions to collective works. She received in 1994 the Prize Jean Rostand with Isabelle Stengers, in 1997, the Dexter Award for Outstanding Achievements in the History of Chemistry (American Chemical Society), in 2000, the Senior Fellow, Dibner Institute for the History of Science and she was Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftgeschichte of Berlin, in 2001.