Museu da Ci�ncia - Universidade de Coimbra


From textbooks to applications: What can be learnt from a long-term study of a tropical seabird?
Dr. Jim Reynolds

Dr. Jim Reynolds has 20 years of research experience from which he has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers. He has been at the University of Birmingham since 2003 after postdoctoral research in the USA and postgraduate research degrees in Canada (MSc) and Oxford (DPhil). His roots are in terrestrial bird species but he has turned to seabirds specifically on Ascension Island since acting as scientific advisor to the Army Ornithological Society (AOS).

Jim now regularly participates in AOS expeditions to the island. He is an Associate Editor on the British Ornithologists’ Union’s (BOU’s) journal, Ibis, and has served on several BOU committees. He has just secured a new NERC CENTA PhD studentship to continue the work on the island.


Horário: 16H30
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